Then theres those people that were so there when you cried or when you couldnt sleep or when you ran out of ideas or when you were lonely that dont even know you exist. Some of my best friends will never know i'm alive. Worse still, the person who gives me the best advice is still six years old even though she was born in 1948 in ink on paper where she lives happily to this day. A summary from the endpages of the book; Meet ELOISE:
is a little girl
who lives at The Plaza Hotel
in New York.
She is not yet pretty
but she is already a Person.
Henry James would
want to study her.
Queen Victoria would
recognize her as
an Equal.
The New York Jets
would want to have
her on their side.
Lewis Carroll would love her
(once he got over the initial shock).
She knows everything about The Plaza.
She is interested in people when
they are not boring.
She has
Inner Resources.
If you take her home with you, you will
always be glad you did.
I loved reading this because I got to learn who Henry James is. and the NY jets. and i read a bit about lewis carrol. it made sense that i learnt something new while spending time with my girlfriend. friends are supposed to teach us all sorts of things. like my friend Lou Lou who teaches me about real coolness just by being Lou Lou. or my friend Andrew who teaches me about helping just by being Andrew. or my friend Daniel who teaches me about real brilliance just by Daniel. or my friend Leo who teaches me about fun just by being leo. or my boyfriend Geoff who teaches me about caring just by being Geoff.
Its someone out there's birthday today, so on behalf of whoever that may be and me: This entry goes out as a token of our thanks. in general.
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